Farm theme Week 2

Second week on our farm theme went well. See some of the pics below.
 A fun game we all played together. Roll the dice and use a dabber to make dots however many the number is on the die. This was new for Colton. I don't think he has ever read the number of dots on dice before.
I made a cute farm-themed file folder for Ryder from an idea I saw online. He had to find the right mud puddle for the pigs according to the end words they contained. I also had him read the words on the pigs as he placed them.
  Below is a counting by fives from odd numbers cat number puzzle I printed, laminated and cut up.
 Colton matched the leaves to the corresponding number on the carrot. He loved the gluing part and didn't want any help.
He enjoyed making a farm sticker scene that I picked up from the dollar store. Not sure what it is with kid's and stickers but it's definitely a winner!
I printed and put together the below file folder for Colton. Inside were some bunnies with numbers on them and some carrots. He had to feed them the correct amount of carrots. The numbers only went up to 5 and he found it a breeze so I feel confident he has his numbers upto 5 down fairly well. 
Another file folder (I've been busy!).  Ryder found this mildly challenging. We had recently discussed and watched some YouTube videos on where our food comes from and what sorts of foods grow on a farm. So with this, Ryder had to guess to which animal (or crop) matched the food item. He wasn't sure where to put things like bread and cake. So he got a little lesson on wheat. 
Farm coloring pages.
 Simple lacing fruits/vegetables.
 Colton decided to tie his up to his drawers instead.
The kids made farm scenes out of play doh and enjoyed doing this together.
 I made this file folder for Colton but it ended up Ryder wanted to do it instead. What foods grow and what does not?
One of the worksheets I had Ryder do. Which animals are farm animals and which are not? He was happy to cut and stick today. Usually he makes me do all of it!  
Colton, however, just loves to cut cut cut. Paper, his hair, clothes etc. He's not fussy!
Vegetable stencils
 A picture Colton made out of the "carrot leaf" leftovers. And then he glued it (yes, glued!) to the refrigerator. Thank goodness for Magic Erasers!

 Ryder doing his math and Willow at the computer. That's all upcoming theme work in those boxes on the piano. I wish I had a better place to store them!
 Incorporating some language worksheets for Ryder on the topic of fruits and veggies.
For non-theme related, Ryder likes to tinker and build and this week he has been playing with his Grandpa's wires. He said he wanted to make them into 'wreaths' to sell on Etsy! Business minded like his Dad :)
We joined a really great library (though an hour away) and they have these really great kits in a bag that contain items to take home that teach you on a topic. Colton got one on tools which included a tool set, some books on building and a DVD. He loved it all! 
 This week we started doing a calendar in the morning. 
Willow has been busy with her PP (Prairie Primer) work. Below, she is practicing whittling a bear out of wood. 
And she was real excited to get to make maple syrup candy! (Me too!) 
 Though I did say she could only make it if she wore her Laura Ingalls bonnet hehehe. 
 A watched pot never boils. 
Filling the molds with the maple mixture. Colton began to catch onto what we were doing! 
 Wrapped up and set aside for an hour to harden. Though they didn't quite make it the full hour before sticky fingers came a grabbin'
 But they did get to lick the spoon while they waited.
She was in disbelief for actually having made maple candy. It was so good and better than the kind you buy!
 In other news, Willow is going to try her hand at running a small rabbitry. She has been spending a lot of time on her laptop, researching bunnies and breeding etc. I think this will be good for her. 
But the best part is, she gets to adopt some bunnies for breeding. Below is Penelope and she is such a sweet, laid back bunny. Willow already adores her!
Her dad has been working really hard on building a rabbit hutch for the bunnies.
 We have four more coming in two weeks! Keep ya posted!


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